
The Fatherhood of God: Being the First Course of the Cunningham Lectures is unavailable, but you can change that!

The lectures contained in The Fatherhood of God were first delivered in 1864 as part of the Cunningham Lecture Series in Edinburgh, Scotland. Candlish revised the lectures for book form, adding detailed notes at the end of each lecture. The following lectures are included: • “The Original Relation of Man to God” • “The Fatherhood of God, as Manifested in the Person of Christ, the...

When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son. GAL. 4:4. I PROPOSE here to raise the question;—To what extent was the fatherhood of God matter of human knowledge, or matter of divine revelation, before the coming of his son Jesus Christ in the flesh? It is a question which necessarily emerges out of the view that has been given of the fatherhood of God, as manifested in the person of the incarnate Son.
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